INNER GROWTH Series: Dance and Resilience
Dance company del Rio is developping a performance series with a curated program on the overarching theme of: INNER GROWTH.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
The format includes regular performances that, similar to TED Talks, focus on conveying specific ideas on a particular topic. For each “talk,” performance artists, a choreographer, and an invited expert collaborate.
The current project consists of the first performance. The theme: Resilience. 5 dancers, 1 choreographer, and 1 expert/speaker work together to bring the various facets of this topic to the stage artistically.
14th December (19:30h) 🏷️ Tickets
15th December (16:00h) 🏷️ Tickets

As there are 45 seats available, we strongly recommend purchasing your ticket in advance.
🇬🇧 This project is currently underfunded. By purchasing a ticket, you are directly supporting the participating artists and contributing to the realization of the event. We sincerely thank you for your valuable support!
🇩🇪 Dieses Projekt ist derzeit noch unterfinanziert. Mit dem Kauf eines Tickets tragen Sie direkt zur Unterstützung der beteiligten Künstler*innen und zur Realisierung der Veranstaltung bei. Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Ihre wertvolle Unterstützung!
📍 LOCATION: Reconnecting Circles Studio (Elsässerstrasse 215a, 4056 Basel)
🕰 DURATION: 45-60 minutes
🌍 LANGUAGE: English, German
dance company del Rio
Concept, Choreography:
Lucas del Rio
Alex Ferro
Marta Allocco
Marco Volta
Lucas del Rio
Rosine Ponti
Rebecca Roberts
Lucas del Rio
Invited Expert & Speaker:
Rebecca Roberts (Inner Architecture Coaching)
Support –a heartfelt thank you!:
“What stands in the way becomes the Way.”
(Marcus Aurelius)