«Through the interplay of dance, light and music,
Lucas builds images on stage that are able to captivate the audience sensually
and reflect on their own worlds.»

–Prof. Dr. Friederike Lampert
Choreography Professor, ZHdK 

«brillant vereinigend»
–Ursula Berger
Artistic Director dance festival ‘Oltner Tanztage’

«Search» was selected for the Swiss Tour TANZFAKTOR 2022. Lucas won the Newcomer-Award 2022 with «Search» at the 26th Oltner Tanztage

There are questions we ask as human beings that seem to remain unanswered even after years of asking the same question repeatedly. By asking those questions, we embark on a journey – the ‘search’ for something. Although we are searching, sometimes or often answers remain unanswered. This piece is a visual and felt embodiment of that journey: the incessant search we human beings seem to be on during all our lives. May this piece then invite you to embark on that journey with us and bring you closer yet again to the questions you are asking yourself repeatedly.

«Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.»
(Antonio Machado, 1875-1939)

After a 15 day research and creation time, the result has been presented in the frame of Lucas’ Master Dance – Choreography graduation work at Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK). ‘Search’ received the highest grade by the school.

Lucas del Rio Estévez

original cast: Diego de la Rosa, Elena Morena Weber, Nadika Mohn, Toschkin Schalnich

“Falling Colour” by Vanbur, “Krieg” by Kimyan Law, “Chai” by Kimyan Law; music arranged by Luca Magni

Ben Vorhaar & Sabrina Zyla (Karisma Costumes)

ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste)

17. April 2021, Theater der Künste, Zürich/CH